So you have a big presentation, a media interview, a video conference, or a video shoot coming up. What color do you wear?
Are you tempted to pull out that navy, gray or black suit? Don’t!

All eyes will be on YOU. Don’t blend into the background. This is your opportunity to STAND OUT and make a memorable impression.
So let’s talk about a few bold colors that look great on camera and you can choose the ones that best flatter your skin tone.
Alternatives to Black
Great alternatives to black, gray and navy include jewel tones such as burgundy, teal, plum, and sapphire blue. These colors look great on almost every skin tone.
Be Bold
If you want to make more of a statement, venture into brighter colors such as a rich yellow, deep orange, rich turquoise or muted magenta. Below are bolder color options that still work well on camera.

The rules have changed. You do not have to dress in something boring for the sake of not dating a video. The lifespan of a video is much shorter these days. If you are doing your marketing right, you will be in many more videos in the future. So use this opportunity to stand out and be memorable. No one remembers navy.

Follow On Camera Fashion on Pinterest for fashion inspiration on what to wear for your next on-camera event.
Schedule a virtual consultation with public relations expert, Stephanie Richards. You will shop your own closet and jewelry box with Stephanie to come up with the perfect outfit and accessories to look your best on camera.