How many Zoom calls have you jumped on in the past year? I am guessing it is more than you have ever had to do. One perk of doing so many virtual meetings is that we become accustomed to being on camera. It is a wonderful thing to be more comfortable and confident on camera.
However, it is good to do a quick video preview when you log onto Zoom--or you might just end up accidentally wearing your apron on your next Zoom call!

One of the greatest blessings of working from home is being able to spend most of my time with my family. In fact, the reason I chose the field of public relations is because I had hoped that I would always have the option of working from home.
Particularly now, as we continue to navigate the COVID19 pandemic, many of us have had to learn to move more fluidly between the responsibilities of working, family, homelife and parenthood. In many ways that is a good thing, even if it means you end up wearing your apron on a Zoom call!